Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Yoga for Neck Pain

About a week ago, I had a migraine. It was extremely unpleasant, it happened while I was watching The Hobbit (great film by the way, go see it!) and I had a lingering headache for days, and really bad nausea that lasted a week.

Coupled with all those terrible symptoms, I also began to have really bad neck pain. I've always had tight shoulders, and some neck tension, but this went beyond it. There was even a firm lump in my neck where the muscle had gone really taut.

I began to research yoga for neck pain, because ... yoga cures almost everything physical :P Isn't yoga incredible?

This is a great video by Esther Eckhart, I've been practising this a few times a day. After the first day, my neck pain had improved so much!

The other neck exercises that I've found on the internet were back strengthening exercises, such as locust.

Other poses that I thought really helped with neck pain and relieved my headaches were standing forward bends. In a standing forward bend, you can work on releasing your neck, and shoulders. Poses like wide legged forward bends, and standing forward bend.
Wide legged forward bend
Standing forward bend

I have found that threading the needle also opens up the shoulders, and relieve some neck tension as well. That's the strange thing about muscles, sometimes the muscle that's tense isn't necessarily the cause of the tension. 

Threading the needle

Next time you have a really sore neck, try some of these tension soothers before you reach for your Advil.


  1. I used to often get headaches. But after I practice yoga routinely, I hardly ever have a headache.
    "Standing forward bend" is a movement that often I do at any time, especially when I was having trouble concentrating.

    Keep practicing, Yui.

    1. I love my forward bends, I find them soothing and also helps me concentrate :) I am getting less headaches, but lately I've been getting them again. Hopefully it will ease off again.

  2. Great post! Thanks a ton for sharing! I was told by my neck pain specialist in NJ to start taking yoga classes to help ease the pain. I couldn't believe what a difference yoga did in relieving the pain in my neck! Aside from reducing that pain, I always, just in general, felt great after a class.

    1. Agreed about that great after class feeling, its what keeps me going back to yoga time after time!

  3. Very interesting and helpful video! Yoga is truly an enjoyable and effective workout to reduce back pain. We should do the physical activity daily.

  4. Wonderful yoga steps! I will definitely follow this effective workout to increase body strength and get rid of neck pain.
    physiotherapist bergen county , back and neck pain bergen county , low back pain bergen county , chiropractor bergen county

  5. What I like about these poses is that they are quite easy to perform, so all you need to do is find a slightly open space to do the bends and postures when the various pains suddenly hit you; though threading the needle seems to need a bigger space. Hopefully the basic bends are enough to quell those pains.

  6. You’re lucky your body can adjust to the exercises at a much faster rate unlike those who have stiffer muscles. But anyway, getting back to yoga is definitely a great decision! With the stress of parenting, you’ll be able to have a way to vent and relax through yoga.Your video is very useful for me while doing yoga.

    Yoga Bali
