Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sorry for the lack of posts but...

I have just been really sick for the last two weeks, and the "neck rule" has indicated that I am in no exercising condition. The "neck rule" basically means that if you have an infection/illness that affects areas below the neck, you need time off. I've also just been completely physically exhausted from being sick, so there's that too :P

I've also been gearing up for my return to uni in July, and have been procrastinating by tweaking my template instead of writing posts for you.

I must be the least consistent blogger out there... I'd like to say that it will change, but I'm not sure how things will go once uni starts.

So, my current update to keep this blog alive! I'm sure there will be more updates soon.


  1. Hi Hui - I love the new look of your site and am sorry to hear that you are under the weather. Hope you are on the mend soon!
